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PUR-SEAL is an acrylic liquid formulated to be applied as a sealer on paving stone and on new or old concrete. As a sealer, it improves water tightness against water, dust, etc. It creates a clear film which is resistant to U.V rays.

Solvent-based Acrylic Sealer - High Gloss

Excluding GST/HST
  • Our online webstore currently services Canada only and in the following provinces:

    • British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

    Damaged Shipments

    All materials are in good condition when shipped. If containers are received in damaged condition, the trucker is responsible. In order to file a claim, you must either refuse to accept the merchandise or note on the bill that the merchandise was received in damaged condition and that a claim will be filed.

    Return policy

    We will accept returns within 30 days of purchase if you are not satisfied with the performance of our product.

    • Reimbursement is returned in the form of a store credit

    Returns must be dropped off or shipped to the address below before reimbursement is issued:

    Box 2512, Didsbury, AB  T0M 0W0

    Customer is responsible for return shipping costs of original product.

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